Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church
Purcell, Oklahoma
By the Grace of God
Church History
We believe Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church of Purcell is the planting of the Lord’s own hand. He gave to the pioneers, who moved to central Oklahoma shortly after statehood, a desire to worship their Provider. These brethren and sisters were a part of the westward movement across the continent. Some came and stayed while others moved further west. Many early members joined by “experience and baptism;” others, by “letter” from churches in Arkansas. This was our beginning.
The Church was constituted on November 6, 1909. Members began meeting at Blantonview School — about eight miles from the present location. Later, they moved to Midway School — about one and a half miles away. Following a donation of two acres of land in 1923 from the Alliance Trust Company — a corporation, organized under the laws of Great Britain and Ireland, of Dundee, Scotland — the Church set about building a permanent home for the Lord’s children.
The original building was completed in March 1924. It served the Church well for many years, but in 1949, it was remodeled. After using creeks and ponds in previous years, the baptistry was added in 1963. A new lunchroom was built in 1970. Then, in 1984, a gift from Brother Ross Goodner made possible the current sanctuary — dedicated to the glory of God — and in loving memory of his wife, Sister Venus.
The Church voted unanimously on July 12, 2015, to begin an extensive remodeling of the current facilities. Copies of the plans are available on this site.
As we look back over more than 100 years of the Lord’s blessings, many names come to mind of Bethlehem’s pastors, ministers, deacons, singers, sisters, and faithful and steadfast members.
In the beginning years, the Church had several pastors. One was Elder Jim W. Herriage. Many of his descendants, both Herriages and Winchesters, are current members. In 1916, the Lord sent Elder A.D. West to serve the Church. He was pastor for thirty-nine years.
Many of Elder West’s descendants also continue as members. Due to his failing health, several ministers were called for short periods. Then, in 1955, the Lord sent a young minister — Elder Jerry Ewell Newman. The nephew of Elder A.D. West, he had grown up in the area with his relatives. For thirty-eight years, Elder Newman served this little flock finally succumbing to cancer.
In the meantime, the Lord had called a young man who was Brother Newman’s son-in-law. Elder Mike Hughes served first as Assistant Pastor, then as Pastor since 1994. He has grown in Grace as did his forebearers. The Lord provided under-shepherds to watch over, pray for and guide the little flock at Bethlehem. We thank our Heavenly Father for providing for us in such a way.
The following Elders served as Pastors:
1909 Elders R.B. Langford and J.M. Downing – Co-Pastors
1910 Elder J.H. Lillard – Pastor
1912 Elder J.M. Downing – Pastor
1915 Elder Jim W. Herriage – Pastor
1916 Elder A.D. West – Co-Pastor
1917 Elder A.D. West – Pastor
1948 Elder H.Z. [“Hub”] Bulman – Co-Pastor
1951 Elder M.A. “Manuel” Norman – Co-Pastor
1954 Elder Charles Wortman – Co-Pastor
1955 Elder Oba M. Cummings – Pastor
1956 Elder Jerry E. Newman – Co-Pastor
1957 Elder Jerry E. Newman – Pastor
1991 Elder Mike Hughes – Co-Pastor
1994 Present-Elder Mike Hughes – Pastor
Other ministers, who have been members of and faithfully served the Church, were Elders W.L. “Will” Wyatt, Jerry McKinley Newman, Ira Jenkins and Sam Rankin. Elder Mike Ivy had a monthly appointment for three years.
Former Deacons
The Lord also provided other leadership in the way of deacons. They have provided wise counsel to the Church, as well as many hours of prayer and work. Theirs was a labor of love in service to the Church and the Lord. The following brethren have been ordaine, served as deacons and are now deceased: Marion Redwine, James H. Burnett, Jerod J. Newman, Matt Dollar, William Plaster, E.J. Thomas, W.T. Biggs, William Helton, Eldon West, Charles L. Hodges, John Smith, S.A. “Syl” Walker, Ross Goodner, Cecil Kittrell, Buster Guinn, Ocus Pope, Lin Stephens, Douglas Morris, Frank Davis and George Herriage.
Current Deacons
Current deacons are Jerry D. Winchester, Larry Winchester, Curtis Winchester, Jerry Lee Winchester, Michael Winchester and Matthew Green.
Supporting our deacons and serving the Church, we have had strong male members in Brethren J.H. Lillard, I.E. Denton, M.E. Hunt, N.E. Hunt, Woodville Couch, James C. “Jim” Brakefield, Clarence Wright, Kevin Brown, Deral Clour, Bill Edwards, Bruce Lambert, Vanus Walker, David Winchester, Darrin Davis, Greg Winchester, Duane West, Rick Witten, Troyce Edwards, James Lahman, Brad Lahman, Jim Gore and Bruce Lambert. Others who have gladly served have been Robert Woods, Clifford Herrell, Marshall Lawson, Justin Orr, Richard Winchester and Olvis Edwards.
Information included in this history was gleaned from Church minutes kept over the past century. These were faithfully recorded by the following brethren and sisters serving as Church Clerk: 1909 – G.G. Cavnar, 1915 – J.T. Alexander, 1916 – G.G. Cavnar, 1922 – Jerod J. Newman, 1927 – William Plaster, 1936 – J.T “Tom” Ryan, 1937 – Ike Dyson, 1940 – Ruth Hodges, 1942 – Clessie West, 1967 – Bessie Smith and Norma Hynds, 1984 – Jerry D. Winchester, and 2005 to present – Mike Winchester.
Recent treasurers have included Brothers Cecil Kittrell and George Herriage and Sister Paula Brown. Deral Clour and William Hughes have served as our sound men in the current sanctuary.
The Church loves to sing the songs of Zion, and the Lord has provided us with many good singers and leaders. The West, Newman and Winchester families come to mind as wonderful part-singers. These trace back to the descendants of Elders A.D. West, and Jim W. Herriage. The Newman family included Elder Jerry M. Newman, who was also a singing school teacher. The evidence of his teaching is still evident at Bethlehem today.
Singers and Song Leaders
Some of our wonderful singers and song leaders of the past and present are: Elder A.D. West, Elder Jerry E. Newman, Elder Bill Huckaby, Brethren C.L. “Shorty” Hodges, George Herriage, Troy Winchester, Charles Winchester, Vanus Walker, Deral Clour, Duane West, William Hughes, Matthew Green, Larry Winchester, Curtis Winchester, and James Winchester; Sisters Zettie West Clour, Celia West Newman, Mattie Pittman, Anna Green, Marilyn Newman Hughes, Ranae Hamilton, Karen Winchester, Paula Brown, Cindy VanVeKoven, Margaret Winchester, Sara Gore, Rachael Hughes, Julie Winchester, Carolyn Baker, Rebecca Winchester, Lee Winchester, Emilyne Winchester, Courtney Winchester, Lea Winchester, Kelsi Winchester and Abbie Winchester.
We are thankful for all the Sisters who have opened their homes, prayed for the services and prepared food for fellowship. The Church has been blessed through their efforts to entertain many wonderful meetings.
There are many we can no longer remember. We do recall Sisters Martha Lillard, Rainy Couch, Ida West, Sally Newman, Eva Ryan, Myrtle B. Brakefield, Eugenia M. Burnett, Mattie C. Dollar, Satirah “Tide” Walker, Becky Wyatt, Mattie Plaster, Bessie Smith, Verdie Edwards, Elsie Helton, Essie Boydston, Ruth Hodges, Clessie West, Celia Newman, Bessie Smith, Nettie Kittrell, Zetta “Zettie” Clour, Cleta Woods, Marie Davis, Orpha “Mutt” Herrell, Velma Chapman, Faye Newman, Dean Lawson, Venus Goodner, Velma Chapman, Maxie Harper, Louise Holland, Icee Hutchinson, Venus Walker, Ruby Jones, Edna Griggs, Liddie Lewis, Isabel Jones, Bernice Wright, Nancy Cantwell, Loy Looney, Lola Boydston, Cleta Woods, Aurelia Spann, Venus Goodner, Tawanda Clour, Marie Davis, Mattie West, Arlene Layman, Pam Inglis-Feris, Dean Lawson, Paulene Pope and Ruth Bray.
Those currently serving the Church include Sisters Maude Winchester [100 years old as of May 4, 2015], Mona Stephens, Lurene Boydston, Kathy Winchester, Clariece Morris, Ranae Hamilton, Karen Winchester, Marilyn Hughes, Paula Brown, Rae Winchester, Margaret Winchester, Leslie Davis, Ruby Herriage, Frieda Guinn, Oteka Clour, Sara Gore, Kathryn Stephens, Norma Hynds, Dawn Lambert, Carlene McCaskill, Marrian Walker, Amanda Orr, Gaylene White, Danielle Winchester, Lea Winchester, Julie Winchester, Emile Winchester, Carolyn Baker, Anna Green, Linda Hayes, Sue Witten and Sue Hawk.
Bethlehem in these later years has been blessed with many young children from babes to young adults. Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Mt. 19:14 The Lord has taught us through them. They have encouraged us, strengthened our hope, enlightened us, and shown us how the Lord leads His people. Many of these little ones have grown up in Bethlehem and now have their own children. In them we are blessed to see the richness of God’s grace.
His miracles are evident in our children as well. We have rejoiced over these manifestations, especially toward Brother Bragg Davis. Bethlehem’s youth include Leighton Baker; Tieracy and Tana Brown; Wade, Bragg and Lizzie Davis; Maddie and Kenleigh Griffith; Emma, Anna and Ella Gore; Arron and Isra Green; Drew, Daniel and Quinn Hamilton; Bailey, Brad, Brandon, Beth, Brooke and Belinda Lambert; Ava and Arya Orr; Bethany VanVeKoven; Timothy and Katelyn VanVekoven; Joy White; Zachary Winchester; Megan and Tyler Winchester; Courtney, Lee and Abbie R. Winchester; Courtney, Kelsi and Abbie Kay Winchester; Kaitlyn and John Winchester and Lacie and Colton Winchester.
Lay Members
We are thankful for the leaders the Lord gives us, but it is the lay members who are its very backbone. These servants may not preach, offer public prayer or lead singing; but they support the Pastor with attention and prayer. They pray silently. They sing with the Spirit, and they are present when the Church door opens. They are the Church for which Christ died.
New Members in 2014 - 2015
The Church received Sister Sue Hawk by letter. Members who joined as candidates for baptism in 2014-2015 include Sister Sue Witten, Brother Charles Boydston [82 years old], Sister Brooke Lambert [10 years old], Sister Kelsi Winchester [19 years old], Brother Colt Winchester [ten years old], Brother Tyler Winchester [ten years old], Sister Ava Orr [seven years old], Sister Abbie Winchester [17 years old] and Brother Aaron Green [nine years old].
Church Records
The Church records are fascinating not only from an historical standpoint, but also as an insight into the language, style of writing and spiritual lives of the early pioneers. The first clerk, G.G. Cavnar, began his minutes, “We, the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ known as Bethlehem, met… “Brother J.J. Newman began his minutes, “After divine services by the Church…”. New members were, “gladly received with much rejoicing”. After having served the Church for thirty-nine years, Elder A.D. West died in 1960. Sister Clessie West wrote, “His memory will live on and on forever in our hearts.” In 1973, Sister Bessie Smith wrote, “We had a most enjoyable fellowship after services Sunday. Everyone just wanted to linger a little longer. We truly thank God for such sweet communion and all the precious blessings He bestows on us each day.”
Our Prayer
In 1984 Elder Jerry E. Newman wrote of our 75th anniversary, “Our heart’s desire and prayer to God is that He may continue to bless us with His presence in the future as He has in the past."
* * *
written by Sisters Karen Winchester and Marilyn Hughes
Purcell, Oklahoma
By the Grace of God
Church History
We believe Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church of Purcell is the planting of the Lord’s own hand. He gave to the pioneers, who moved to central Oklahoma shortly after statehood, a desire to worship their Provider. These brethren and sisters were a part of the westward movement across the continent. Some came and stayed while others moved further west. Many early members joined by “experience and baptism;” others, by “letter” from churches in Arkansas. This was our beginning.
The Church was constituted on November 6, 1909. Members began meeting at Blantonview School — about eight miles from the present location. Later, they moved to Midway School — about one and a half miles away. Following a donation of two acres of land in 1923 from the Alliance Trust Company — a corporation, organized under the laws of Great Britain and Ireland, of Dundee, Scotland — the Church set about building a permanent home for the Lord’s children.
The original building was completed in March 1924. It served the Church well for many years, but in 1949, it was remodeled. After using creeks and ponds in previous years, the baptistry was added in 1963. A new lunchroom was built in 1970. Then, in 1984, a gift from Brother Ross Goodner made possible the current sanctuary — dedicated to the glory of God — and in loving memory of his wife, Sister Venus.
The Church voted unanimously on July 12, 2015, to begin an extensive remodeling of the current facilities. Copies of the plans are available on this site.
As we look back over more than 100 years of the Lord’s blessings, many names come to mind of Bethlehem’s pastors, ministers, deacons, singers, sisters, and faithful and steadfast members.
In the beginning years, the Church had several pastors. One was Elder Jim W. Herriage. Many of his descendants, both Herriages and Winchesters, are current members. In 1916, the Lord sent Elder A.D. West to serve the Church. He was pastor for thirty-nine years.
Many of Elder West’s descendants also continue as members. Due to his failing health, several ministers were called for short periods. Then, in 1955, the Lord sent a young minister — Elder Jerry Ewell Newman. The nephew of Elder A.D. West, he had grown up in the area with his relatives. For thirty-eight years, Elder Newman served this little flock finally succumbing to cancer.
In the meantime, the Lord had called a young man who was Brother Newman’s son-in-law. Elder Mike Hughes served first as Assistant Pastor, then as Pastor since 1994. He has grown in Grace as did his forebearers. The Lord provided under-shepherds to watch over, pray for and guide the little flock at Bethlehem. We thank our Heavenly Father for providing for us in such a way.
The following Elders served as Pastors:
1909 Elders R.B. Langford and J.M. Downing – Co-Pastors
1910 Elder J.H. Lillard – Pastor
1912 Elder J.M. Downing – Pastor
1915 Elder Jim W. Herriage – Pastor
1916 Elder A.D. West – Co-Pastor
1917 Elder A.D. West – Pastor
1948 Elder H.Z. [“Hub”] Bulman – Co-Pastor
1951 Elder M.A. “Manuel” Norman – Co-Pastor
1954 Elder Charles Wortman – Co-Pastor
1955 Elder Oba M. Cummings – Pastor
1956 Elder Jerry E. Newman – Co-Pastor
1957 Elder Jerry E. Newman – Pastor
1991 Elder Mike Hughes – Co-Pastor
1994 Present-Elder Mike Hughes – Pastor
Other ministers, who have been members of and faithfully served the Church, were Elders W.L. “Will” Wyatt, Jerry McKinley Newman, Ira Jenkins and Sam Rankin. Elder Mike Ivy had a monthly appointment for three years.
Former Deacons
The Lord also provided other leadership in the way of deacons. They have provided wise counsel to the Church, as well as many hours of prayer and work. Theirs was a labor of love in service to the Church and the Lord. The following brethren have been ordaine, served as deacons and are now deceased: Marion Redwine, James H. Burnett, Jerod J. Newman, Matt Dollar, William Plaster, E.J. Thomas, W.T. Biggs, William Helton, Eldon West, Charles L. Hodges, John Smith, S.A. “Syl” Walker, Ross Goodner, Cecil Kittrell, Buster Guinn, Ocus Pope, Lin Stephens, Douglas Morris, Frank Davis and George Herriage.
Current Deacons
Current deacons are Jerry D. Winchester, Larry Winchester, Curtis Winchester, Jerry Lee Winchester, Michael Winchester and Matthew Green.
Supporting our deacons and serving the Church, we have had strong male members in Brethren J.H. Lillard, I.E. Denton, M.E. Hunt, N.E. Hunt, Woodville Couch, James C. “Jim” Brakefield, Clarence Wright, Kevin Brown, Deral Clour, Bill Edwards, Bruce Lambert, Vanus Walker, David Winchester, Darrin Davis, Greg Winchester, Duane West, Rick Witten, Troyce Edwards, James Lahman, Brad Lahman, Jim Gore and Bruce Lambert. Others who have gladly served have been Robert Woods, Clifford Herrell, Marshall Lawson, Justin Orr, Richard Winchester and Olvis Edwards.
Information included in this history was gleaned from Church minutes kept over the past century. These were faithfully recorded by the following brethren and sisters serving as Church Clerk: 1909 – G.G. Cavnar, 1915 – J.T. Alexander, 1916 – G.G. Cavnar, 1922 – Jerod J. Newman, 1927 – William Plaster, 1936 – J.T “Tom” Ryan, 1937 – Ike Dyson, 1940 – Ruth Hodges, 1942 – Clessie West, 1967 – Bessie Smith and Norma Hynds, 1984 – Jerry D. Winchester, and 2005 to present – Mike Winchester.
Recent treasurers have included Brothers Cecil Kittrell and George Herriage and Sister Paula Brown. Deral Clour and William Hughes have served as our sound men in the current sanctuary.
The Church loves to sing the songs of Zion, and the Lord has provided us with many good singers and leaders. The West, Newman and Winchester families come to mind as wonderful part-singers. These trace back to the descendants of Elders A.D. West, and Jim W. Herriage. The Newman family included Elder Jerry M. Newman, who was also a singing school teacher. The evidence of his teaching is still evident at Bethlehem today.
Singers and Song Leaders
Some of our wonderful singers and song leaders of the past and present are: Elder A.D. West, Elder Jerry E. Newman, Elder Bill Huckaby, Brethren C.L. “Shorty” Hodges, George Herriage, Troy Winchester, Charles Winchester, Vanus Walker, Deral Clour, Duane West, William Hughes, Matthew Green, Larry Winchester, Curtis Winchester, and James Winchester; Sisters Zettie West Clour, Celia West Newman, Mattie Pittman, Anna Green, Marilyn Newman Hughes, Ranae Hamilton, Karen Winchester, Paula Brown, Cindy VanVeKoven, Margaret Winchester, Sara Gore, Rachael Hughes, Julie Winchester, Carolyn Baker, Rebecca Winchester, Lee Winchester, Emilyne Winchester, Courtney Winchester, Lea Winchester, Kelsi Winchester and Abbie Winchester.
We are thankful for all the Sisters who have opened their homes, prayed for the services and prepared food for fellowship. The Church has been blessed through their efforts to entertain many wonderful meetings.
There are many we can no longer remember. We do recall Sisters Martha Lillard, Rainy Couch, Ida West, Sally Newman, Eva Ryan, Myrtle B. Brakefield, Eugenia M. Burnett, Mattie C. Dollar, Satirah “Tide” Walker, Becky Wyatt, Mattie Plaster, Bessie Smith, Verdie Edwards, Elsie Helton, Essie Boydston, Ruth Hodges, Clessie West, Celia Newman, Bessie Smith, Nettie Kittrell, Zetta “Zettie” Clour, Cleta Woods, Marie Davis, Orpha “Mutt” Herrell, Velma Chapman, Faye Newman, Dean Lawson, Venus Goodner, Velma Chapman, Maxie Harper, Louise Holland, Icee Hutchinson, Venus Walker, Ruby Jones, Edna Griggs, Liddie Lewis, Isabel Jones, Bernice Wright, Nancy Cantwell, Loy Looney, Lola Boydston, Cleta Woods, Aurelia Spann, Venus Goodner, Tawanda Clour, Marie Davis, Mattie West, Arlene Layman, Pam Inglis-Feris, Dean Lawson, Paulene Pope and Ruth Bray.
Those currently serving the Church include Sisters Maude Winchester [100 years old as of May 4, 2015], Mona Stephens, Lurene Boydston, Kathy Winchester, Clariece Morris, Ranae Hamilton, Karen Winchester, Marilyn Hughes, Paula Brown, Rae Winchester, Margaret Winchester, Leslie Davis, Ruby Herriage, Frieda Guinn, Oteka Clour, Sara Gore, Kathryn Stephens, Norma Hynds, Dawn Lambert, Carlene McCaskill, Marrian Walker, Amanda Orr, Gaylene White, Danielle Winchester, Lea Winchester, Julie Winchester, Emile Winchester, Carolyn Baker, Anna Green, Linda Hayes, Sue Witten and Sue Hawk.
Bethlehem in these later years has been blessed with many young children from babes to young adults. Jesus said, “Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the Kingdom of Heaven.” Mt. 19:14 The Lord has taught us through them. They have encouraged us, strengthened our hope, enlightened us, and shown us how the Lord leads His people. Many of these little ones have grown up in Bethlehem and now have their own children. In them we are blessed to see the richness of God’s grace.
His miracles are evident in our children as well. We have rejoiced over these manifestations, especially toward Brother Bragg Davis. Bethlehem’s youth include Leighton Baker; Tieracy and Tana Brown; Wade, Bragg and Lizzie Davis; Maddie and Kenleigh Griffith; Emma, Anna and Ella Gore; Arron and Isra Green; Drew, Daniel and Quinn Hamilton; Bailey, Brad, Brandon, Beth, Brooke and Belinda Lambert; Ava and Arya Orr; Bethany VanVeKoven; Timothy and Katelyn VanVekoven; Joy White; Zachary Winchester; Megan and Tyler Winchester; Courtney, Lee and Abbie R. Winchester; Courtney, Kelsi and Abbie Kay Winchester; Kaitlyn and John Winchester and Lacie and Colton Winchester.
Lay Members
We are thankful for the leaders the Lord gives us, but it is the lay members who are its very backbone. These servants may not preach, offer public prayer or lead singing; but they support the Pastor with attention and prayer. They pray silently. They sing with the Spirit, and they are present when the Church door opens. They are the Church for which Christ died.
New Members in 2014 - 2015
The Church received Sister Sue Hawk by letter. Members who joined as candidates for baptism in 2014-2015 include Sister Sue Witten, Brother Charles Boydston [82 years old], Sister Brooke Lambert [10 years old], Sister Kelsi Winchester [19 years old], Brother Colt Winchester [ten years old], Brother Tyler Winchester [ten years old], Sister Ava Orr [seven years old], Sister Abbie Winchester [17 years old] and Brother Aaron Green [nine years old].
Church Records
The Church records are fascinating not only from an historical standpoint, but also as an insight into the language, style of writing and spiritual lives of the early pioneers. The first clerk, G.G. Cavnar, began his minutes, “We, the Primitive Baptist Church of Christ known as Bethlehem, met… “Brother J.J. Newman began his minutes, “After divine services by the Church…”. New members were, “gladly received with much rejoicing”. After having served the Church for thirty-nine years, Elder A.D. West died in 1960. Sister Clessie West wrote, “His memory will live on and on forever in our hearts.” In 1973, Sister Bessie Smith wrote, “We had a most enjoyable fellowship after services Sunday. Everyone just wanted to linger a little longer. We truly thank God for such sweet communion and all the precious blessings He bestows on us each day.”
Our Prayer
In 1984 Elder Jerry E. Newman wrote of our 75th anniversary, “Our heart’s desire and prayer to God is that He may continue to bless us with His presence in the future as He has in the past."
* * *
written by Sisters Karen Winchester and Marilyn Hughes