03/06 March Numbers 6:1-7:89 Mark 12:38 – 13:13. Psalm 49:1-20. Proverbs: 10:27-28. Good Morning to all. Trust you are doing well and looking forward to services this week. Due to the timing, duration, and reaction to these new radiation protocols there have been gaps in the daily message this week. We think these issues are all solved and hope there will be no more of them for the duration of the treatment.
As we look to God’s word today and think of our upcoming meeting tomorrow; how thankful we are to be able to meet in person and gather to praise His name and rejoice and focus our collective voices to praise Him and bow in humble submission to petition at the throne of all grace and mercies once again. The psalmist makes us think. There are so many at this time to pray for and petition on their behalf. Many in grief and heavy laden with the burden of this life and its existence. These bodies are succumbing and deteriorating daily as Paul states, yet there is a Great Hope we see and look forward to on the horizon. We are called upon to suffer pain of this weak flesh and at times to give up those we love in this life and though this comes to all: we see a brighter day that brings the Great Hope of the Lord and His power, His glory and His sustaining and almighty grace poured out upon us. And we rejoice to see the power of God; His love; His mercy abound to His children in this time. And we can rejoice in the truth that He is risen, and sits on the right hand of the Father today and hears our prayers and requests and grants them. For ours is The Great God of Heaven and Earth; Creator of all there is and establisher of the truth we live by. By His Grace we have our being, and can see the beauty of His Saving Grace and Eternal Hope. And He lifts the heart and calms the troubled breast and heart and sends peace that passes understanding. It is a mystery of such a great work He has done and ia still doing each day in the lives of His own. May our desire be to draw closer to Him and learn more of Him that we may serve Him here each day to the glory of His Great and Precious Name. May God richly bless each of you this day with His eternal Grace and your heart be lifted from this old world of sin and sorrow for a season to rejoice in His finished work and glorify Him in our lives. God bless and keep you in His Grace, Bro. Mike
Leviticus 22:21-23:44.
Prov. 10:18. Mark 9:30-10:12. Ps. 44:1-7. Prov. 10:19. Ps.44:3. For they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm save them: but thy right hand, and thine arm, and the light of thy countenance, because thou hast favour unto them. Ps. 44:6. For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me. Ps. 44:7. But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us. Ps.44:8. 8. In God we boast all the day long,and praise thy name forever. The Psalmist is very clear on where and whom His deliverance comes from. It is not from ourselves or man but only God can deliver one of His own. So much of our time is spent seeking deliverance and usually in the wrong places God will not forsake His own whom He has demonstrated such love and grace for even before the beginning of time. It's truly hard to comprehend such love. But it is truly comforting to know the Lord has taken care of it all and there are no shortfalls or gaps: It's done and complete and finished in Him! That brings comfort and assurance to His own! During our busy and sometimes complicated day there may be little time to think about and meditate upon these thoughts and the finished work of our Savior and how that brings comfort and peace to the heart of His own. But if we are able at some point in time to have a concentrated thought upon God and His mighty works and blessings, what a blessing that brings to our heart. The Lord teaches and stresses to us to not let our heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in me is the encouragement the saviour gives. And His blessings are abundant. May God bless and comfort you on your path this day. When we can have that moment of sweet quiet thought on his grace and mercy how it lifts our hearts and calms the mind and troubled breast! He brings comfort found nowhere else. Can we not rejoice in such truth, peace, comfort, hope, and joy as what the Lord can bring! The cool drink of water tp the dry and thirsty soul traveling through this desert land. May His blessings lift and comfort you this day so you can drink from that eternal spring of life and rejoice once again in our risen Saviour. God Bless and keep you in His Grace and Mercies. With Love in Christ. Bro Mike Leviticus 19:1-20:21
Mark 8:10-38. Psalm 42:1-11 Prov. 10:17. Prov. 10:13. In the lips of him that hath understanding wisdom is found: but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding. Wise men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction. Ps. 40: 17. But I am poor and needy: yet the Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer: make no tarrying, O my God. For anyone who is a student of the Bible it becomes clear that the Lord is adamant in His desire that His people have understanding and wisdom and that those attributes are used in life. The Lord gives us wisdom in this life to discern right and wrong in the Lord’s eyes, and he teaches us that of ourselves we are depraved creatures. This teaching is totally contrary to Satan and man himself as Man always sees himself as having some innate good of His own. In reality, the only good man can have is by the grace of God and is a reflection of God’s grace upon him. The natural man does not want to hear about his depraved condition and only sees himself as being good. We know this is not the case and if there is any good it is there by God’s divine grace and mercy and is a reflection of Christ’s qualities bestowed upon us. Man wants to justify himself by saying he has ‘accepted’ God’s saving grace and that action by man justifies Him before God. How absurd! How can the created in sin ever justify himself before the most high God. Men say all you need to do to have life eternal is accept Christ by your own will and desire. Truth be known, man does not want to be saved by anyone other than himself. Then he can claim he did it. Thanks be to God that God does not think that way nor does He pay attention to man’s frivolous thought, which usually is centered on himself. We have a God who is greater than man, Satan or any other creature and HIS thoughts are NOT our thoughts. We are able to worship God when our thoughts are raised up to His . We are poor and needy creatures saved by grace. And He has thought it right to share this knowledge of our true salvation with us that we might rejoice in His finished work.. And being lifted in Spirit and truth to rejoice is such great salvation as He has worked for His own. And this knowledge lifts us to desire to be more like Him and learn more of Him. What a gracious God is our God that we are enabled to worship in Spirit and Truth and to learn more of Him each day. And to see His work and feel His presence in our lives and of those we love in him. May our thoughts be truly turned to Him as we approach tomorrow's services and come before His presence with singing and giving thanks for all He bestows and gives us each day, and especially for the knowledge and understanding of the finished work of His Son. For it is in that work that our hope is built and stands. May the Good Lord bless each of you and especially our services tomorrow that we may be permitted to see the Son high and lifted up and rejoice in His finished work. God bless and keep you. Bro Mike Genesis 50:1-Exodus 2:10.
Matthew 16:13-17:9. Psalm 21:1-13. Prov. 5:1-6. Prov. 5:1-6. My son, attend unto my wisdom, and bow thine ear to my understanding: That thou mayest regard Discretion, and that thy life may keep knowledge. For the lies of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood and sharp as a two-edged sword. Her feet go down to death: Her steps take hold of hell. Lest thou shouldest ponder the path of life, her ways are moveable, that thou canst not know them. Good Friday morning. It is a very cold wintry day but we are blessed to be warm and encouraged by God’s Word and truth. Solomon wrote the Proverbs with a young man in mind. From reading the Proverbs it's clear Solomon was wanting to convey that wisdom of life that we gain with experience and years and give it to a young man with hope he would use it to not fall into the same mistakes. We all come to that point where we look back and say, if I had only not made that decision but had gone the other path how much better it would have been. Thankfully the LORD leads us on and though we may make our own mistakes and choices that are not as favorable, He is sure to uphold us on the way. This does not give the excuse that we can’t learn from mistakes and the wisdom of others. We should strive each day to learn and apply God’s wisdom to our lives as it has more benefits than we can imagine. In this Proverb, the young man is encouraged to give attention to His wisdom and not to fall for the enticements of the strange woman. There are many analogies in this depiction that are beneficial for us today in our lives. The church is often described as the bride of Christ and therefore has special reverence in relation to how the church is to be respected. Solomon stresses to the son, to attend to wisdom and to listen to his understanding. Understanding is gained when we experience something for ourselves. We all know this is so true in life’s path as we may have a picture and expectation of marriage and family but until we experience it we don’t come to a full understanding of its joys and sorrows. Solomon warns about the strange woman who is enticing but speaks with a different and unfamiliar voice. Her voice is smooth but it draws us into a path of lies. Her voice sounds smooth but it has the bite of the viper and can draw us away from God’s truth to that path of lies. Her grasping hands hold on to hell itself and her feet are constantly moving and never satisfied. They move so much that they can’t even be followed because they are constantly looking for something that satisfies but can’t find it. And with all this confusion and strife there is no rest and no way that understanding or knowledge of life can be gained. We can think of this as so much of the world’s condition and it always has been and always will be. Yet God shows and gives us the opposite. With Him there is peace, rest, contentment in what we have and he gives us knowledge and understanding. Of His work, our purpose and the HOPE set before us. This is true wisdom and it is of God. May we strive each day to seek and find this wisdom and contentment. May we encourage others along this way as they seek the same. For with our Lord we find true peace and tranquility and HOPE in Him. May the Lord bless you this day. May He bless the services this weekend to His glory and that they may be edifying to His people. How much we have to be thankful for words of gratitude should pour from our lips continually on this journey. God bless and keep each of you in His grace. Brother Mike Leviticus 15:1-15:28
Mark 7:1-23. Ps.40:11-17. Proc.13-14. Prov. 10:14. Wise Men lay up knowledge: but the mouth of the foolish is near destruction. Ps. 40:15. Let all these that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: Let such as love thy salvation say continually, the Lord be magnified. Ps 40: 17. But I am POOR AND NEEDY; YET THE Lord thinketh upon me: thou art my help and my deliverer: make no tarrying, O my God. One of the fundamental doctrines, or teachings of the scripture and of God is the depraved nature of man. This deals with the base nature of man that of himself, without God, He is not good nor does he desire to do Good or be associated with Good. It’s a hard and somewhat difficult teaching to comprehend due to man's nature of thinking of himself as equal with God. In God’s working with us there comes a point at which this teaching becomes much more meaningful and clear before us. Our eyes are opened to our true nature and how lost and undone we are before God. It is then that we begin to see more of His work with us and the Power of His Saving Grace and Mercy upon Us. We can be drawn to the lowest of any imaginable pit in our thought as we see how truly unrighteous we are before the most Merciful God. It is not a pleasant experience but one that draws us closer to Christ and his saving grace. Then we begin to understand our true poor and needy condition and what the Lord has delivered us from and to. Then we can rejoice as never before as we see HIM high and lifted up . That God even thinks upon us is a miracle as undeserving as we are. Yet He thinks upon us and sees us in the righteous blood of the Son. And we can rejoice and magnify Him in our lives as He is our help and deliverer. Through life and each day He is there. He lifts us from the lowest point to be able to rejoice once more in a bright and shining day. And may our lives each day magnify His glory and grace and all that He has done for us that we may have Hope beyond expectations. This may be a cold winter’s day and we wonder when spring will return. But it will end soon and bring the warmth of the spring sun. And just as the sun can warm us on a cold winter’s day, the word of the Lord can bring hope again to the heart of His own and we can be reminded of God’s never failing, never ending grace upon those He loves. And our hearts can feel the warmth of His love and mercy upon us. May you feel the warmth of His love this day and find peace and abundant grace in His word that gives instruction, encouragement and light for the path ahead. Bro Mike Leviticus 14:1-57
Mark 6:30-56 Ps.40:1-10 Prov.10:11-12 Ps. 40: 1. I waited patiently for the Lord: and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. Ps. 40: 2. He brought me up also out of an horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock and established my goings. Ps. 40. 3. And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. Good Wednesday morning. Hope everyone is staying warm as it is very cold here and the sleet has been falling for several hours The streets are all white and glazed over now. But we still see some signs of Spring approaching. The Lord knows all the things that we need in this life. We most often think the things we need are material, And on a day like today we certainly need warmth. In the last several days our thoughts have been on the Light of God and how He gives us that light that we can see both literally and spiritually. God is the creator of light; and He set the sun and moon, and stars in the heavens for sources of light for us. This light is a physical light that we need in order to move around safely and be able to take care of various daily tasks. The source of this light is primarily the Sun which God created. But as mentioned there are the lesser lights of the moon and stars all in the heavens. On wintry days like today when the natural sun is obscured due to the clouds there is light, but it is much dimmer than normal. There is something about how God made us that we crave light naturally and we literally need the rays of the sun which give vitamins that our body needs to function properly. We can talk about vitamins and other supplements on occasion, but they do not provide the true elements that the sun provides. There is another aspect of Light that is needed for us. There is an emotional element that the Sun and light provide to the body that is needed. The sun is only a celestial ball of hot gases that gives off heat and light. Both of which are vitally important to our health and well-being. Light lifts the spirit. The brightness of light dispels the darkness and our spirits need to have darkness driven away. This promotes happiness and a sense of well-being and contentment and a closer presence with the Lord. Scripture is full of the benefits and blessings of Light and having light on the way. Christ is that eternal spiritual light in our life that guides, directs, gives hope and expectation on the path here. Ps. 27:1. The Lord is my light and my salvation: whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? Ps. 56:13. For thou Hast delivered my soul from death: wilt not thou deliver my feet from falling that I may walk before God in the LIGHT of the living. Eph. 5:15. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, 16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. This gives natural light that we may have clear sight and see the beauty of His creation and enable us to utilize the time He has given us to a more productive and honoring use, to glorify Him in our lives. His light also gives clarity all around that we can see the dangers that may be approaching. May we use the light He has given us to avoid the dangers and evil of the day. May we redeem the time given us each day to His glory and learn more of Him to draw closer to Him. May this day be filled with a spiritual warmth and brightness of His glory in your walk that you may be able to rejoice in His salvation. God bless in all needs and hope. Bro Mike Lev 13:1-59 Mark 6:1. And He (Jesus) went out from thence, and came into His own country; and His disciples followed Him. Mark 6:1-29 Ps. 30: 1-13 Prov. 10:10. Mark 6:2. And when the sabbath day was come, He began to teach in the synagogues:and many hearing Him were astonished, saying, From whence hath this man these things? And what wisdom is this which is given unto Him, that even such mighty works are wrought by His hands? 3. Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James< and Joses, and of Judah, and Simon? This was the early beginning of Jesus' ministry here on the earth. His ability to interpret the scriptures and expound on their meaning and depth was immense. He spoke on matters of wisdom that only those of the day who were educated in the scriptures were considered knowledgeable. Yet this young man from Galilee doth now expound with a voice and words never heard before and in such meaningful statements that stop the thought of those that heard Him and stirred their pure minds to contemplate on what was being said. He was just the carpenter from Galilee. He was JUST THE SON OF A CARPENTER YET HE BROUGHT FORTH THOUGHTS AND EXPRESSIONS NEVER THOUGHT OR HEARD BEFORE He is just the son of the carpenter! Yet what He said and how he said it would change MEN'S LIVES and move them to do great things in the Lord The nature of man is that great things can only come from great things. Yet in God’s creation we find all too often the opposite. Great things come from small things. Still small words inspire and move men in spirit. Small movements, just by walking, can result in great accomplishments. And very small amounts of faith can remove mountains; both the literal and the figurative that stand in our way. Don’t misunderstand, this may be a discussion about how God uses small things to do great things, but remember our God is a Great God and is NOT a Small God. He fills the heavens. Our hearts, and our minds. He is omnipotent and omniscient at the same time. This is greatness beyond imagination. And yet he controls all of this complex world and universe around us, he still hears our quietest prayer offered on trembling lips. He hears the cry of the heart for help before the call reaches the lips. And most of all, He cares for us with a love beyond understanding and comprehension May He bless each of you in this evening and day to come and enjoy the richness of His Greatness toward His people. Bro Mike Leviticus 11:1-12:8
Maek 5:21-43 Ps. 38:1-22 Prov. 10:8-9 Mark 5:25. And a certain woman , which had an issue of blood twelve years, 26. and had suffered many things from many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and nothing was better, but rather grew worse. 27. When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched His garment. 28. For she said, If I may touch but His clothes, I shall be whole. 29. And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her that she was healed of that plague. 30. And Jesus, immediately knowing in Himself that virtue had gone out of Him, turned Him about in the press, and said, Who touched my clothes? Good Monday morning and hope and trust you are all doing very well. The story of Jesus healing the woman afflicted with the issue of blood is so timeless and carries much spiritual meaning for us beyond the good ending of the story that the woman was healed of her affliction. This woman had suffered a long time with the condition and as many can identify today she had spent a great deal of time and her money seeking the help of the physicians of the day and had not had any positive outcome. But this woman was about to meet the Great Physician who was, and is, able. She is identified as a “certain woman” so there is a distinction between this woman and others around her. She had heard of Christ and probably the stories of His miraculous healing on the afflicted. Now she is drawn to seek Him. She’s never seen Him before, nor heard Him preach, nor by the account has had any direct contact with Him. Yet, she goes to seek Him out and knows that if she can but touch His garment she would have an answer to her needs and prayers. Whether she had met Jesus or heard Him speak before is minor compared to what she is about to experience. But this woman had to make this effort based on a faith and a deep desire to have the Lord work His grace upon her. If she could only touch His garment she would be made whole! What a testimony to have and for us to consider. Today we may not be able to reach out and touch His garment, but we can be touched by the Great Physician’s hand. This woman had sought the help of the day but now she had the true help of all healing grace. The woman must have become greatly discouraged over time as she had suffered twelve years with the sickness and had struggled with not finding the help she needed. Her faith would have been drained and especially at that time, for consider it, she did not have the Good News as we do today. It was just becoming known and proclaimed. The Saviour had come and He brought this good News of the Gospel to those who sat under the shadow of death and did not have the expectation of Hope as we do today. He was still the Saviour and will deliver all in the last day, but to not have that light of the Gospel to augment our life would be difficult to live without knowing what we know and have experienced under this dispensation of Christ. It is good news to the hungry soul and cool water in a dry and thirsty land. May we always be thankful for His grace upon us and remember how much He has blessed us and continues to do so each day. God bless and keep you this day and may you be lifted up in His truth and the Joy of His salvation. Bro. Mike Leviticus 7:28-9:6
Mark 3;31-4:25 Ps 37:12-28 Prov 10:5. Ps 37: 23. The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in His way. Ps. 37:25. I have been young and now am old: Yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor His seed begging bread. Good Morning to all. As we come to the end of another week and look forward to meeting time tomorrow; looking back over the recent days there are many things to be thankful for. The scriptures speak a lot about our path and steps in this world. It makes sense that it would as this world is our experience for now and we have no other reference to what is to be other than what the Good Lord reveals to us. We know and learn by experience that our steps in this world are known by the Lord and He gives us light on the way that we don’t stumble and fall and sets the direction forward or to the right or left. There is no doubt and it is validated by scripture and our own experience that the path of a Good man; one who follows and seeks the Lord, are particularly blessed in this world to allow Him to glorify and honor God while being blessed to rejoice in the Joys only God can give: peace in saving grace, strength for each day, and faith that can increase while we journey on the way. The Lord does not forsake His own nor does He leave them, nor will they go begging bread. What a deep and great blessing it is. The psalmist states that the good man’s steps are ordered of the Lord.. The good man is one blessed of God who has, and is, experiencing a quickening to life in the Lord. Epheshians 2:1. “And you hath He quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins: Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of the flesh and of the mind: and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others. This change and experience that we are blessed by God with is extraordinary. It demonstrates the very power of God in our lives and by His grace and mercy we are blessed to see His truths and His kingdom, and are able to glorify Him in every aspect of our lives. By our fleshly nature our tendency is to first see how God has provided for the material needs: food, clothing, shelter, etc. And all these are very true: they don’t come without the blessing of God. But to have all of these AND the spiritual truth in Christ is even greater. He has turned our very thoughts, emotions, and desires to see a better way, a better day to be found in Him and not the transitory things of this world. Therefore we are indeed: ...His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto Good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. Eph. 2:10 So our opportunity is to walk in a path that is filled with good works to glorify God and enable us to rejoice in the joy of His salvation. As we now approach another meeting time we think of the most recent blessings He has given us as a congregation of His people. Just one year ago, we were locked down in our homes due to the Plague. The initial signs of the plague waning are starting to be seen. And yes many of us may contribute to this by following the guidelines given us but the Lord is the only one who can disrupt such things. And He IS! So we once again have the opportunity to gather in His name. To raise our voices in song and praise and hear His word and Name proclaimed by those who are hungry and thirsty for His righteousness. May the Good Lord bless you and His spirit be felt with all and His name and power proclaimed once again and most of all Thanks be given for all that He has blessed us with in life and His truth that stands forever. Let us go forth and proclaim Him in our thoughts, lives, and hearts. God bless each of you and Love in Christ. Brother Mike Prov. 10:5. He that gathereth in summer is a wise son: but he that sleepeth in harvest is a son that causeth shame.
II Kings 7:3. And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate: and they said one to another, Why sit we here till we die? The word of God is full of wisdom and admonishment concerning our being industrious in the Lord. Adam was created and placed in the Garden of Eden to care and take care of it. This meant there would be manual labor involved and man since then has had to toil in work to earn his bread in this world. Now to some this may seem to be a lack of faith being demonstrated as the Lord has promised He would take care of all our needs (including food, clothing, and shelter) as long as we place Him first in our lives. This is absolutely true but the Lord also teaches that we are to be industrious in our walk of faith. That does not always mean by sweat of the brow or manual labor. Praying is a labor if done in the manner and for the reason as God instructs. Studying the word of God can be a labor but also a great blessing and benefit whereby we can grow in grace and love of the Lord. Jesus was absolutely industrious during His life upon this earth. From His early childhood we see this evident until His last expression on the cross. When He was about 12 years old His earthly father and mother took Him and the family and traveled to Jerusalem to pay taxes as was the duty of all the citizens at that time in the region. The family traveled in a caravan with a large group. This was out of protection from bandits or other hazards along the way. When they started the journey home, after several days, Jesus was not found among them. Then His father and mother; Joseph and Mary returned to Jerusalem looking for Him. They found Him in the synagogue preaching and teaching the Good News. When they asked Him why He had not come with them His reply was: Don’t you know I must be about my Father’s business. This was not the business Joseph was in as Joseph was a carpenter and it is evident that Jesus learned something of this trade as He was growing up in this home. But that was not His true vocation or purpose for being here. He had a greater calling and purpose. And this calling and purpose has great meaning and purpose for us today. Jesus clearly labored in His work here. We have evidence from God’s word of His going to prayer that would continue well into the night and sometimes all night long. And His prayers could be extremely intense as was seen in the garden where He was in such labor of the effort that He began to perspire. James tells us that the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. Much means an abundance. James is describing the result of an intense prayer to God and that it has Great benefit. Not just in the request being made, but also to the requestor. Consider that when we are in prayer to God, even one when we are not on our knees or maybe filled with the most choice words to describe our needs and request; He hears that petition. And He answers that petition. The request may be as simple as Lord Help Me! A cry from the depth of the heart of one of his own that He has died for. Who are we to question if God has heard our prayer or would even consider its request. The prayer is offered up to the God of all Glory who came and gave Himself for us that we might eternally be with Him. In such sacrifice how can we even question whether He hears or would consider our request. There is a proper manner in which to approach the most High God in prayer and we should always be mindful and come in a humble position begging and acknowledging our weakness and disparate need of Him and His Grace and Mercy. One point that stands out so dramatically in the Psalms of David is his continual humility before the Most High and always giving Him reverence and honor. We know there is nothing that we as mere men of flesh can give or do for God to ever equate to what He has done for us. Indeed, the Lord has been so Good to Me, as in the old hymn, should be on our lips continually and in our minds and heart. For The Lord is Good and He is Good to His own in Abundance. May the God of Glory bless you this day with the richness of His grace and you learn more of Him to serve Him even better. May we be wise sons and daughters of this Great God and gather in the summer that we may harvest abundantly when Harvest is here. God bless you all and pray for our services and especially for one another. What a privilege to pray for those we love, for God has given us that love in our hearts by changing it and He shows us His mighty and abundant Grace each day. God bless and keep each of you. Love in Christ. Bro Mike |
Eld. Mike HughesPastor of Purcell Bethlehem Primitive Baptist Church Archives
June 2022
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